Advanced Amazon PPC: Get cheaper clicks with ASIN targeting - What most Amazon sellers overlook


We're delving into the often-overlooked realm of ascent targeting. Surprisingly, many sellers we audit aren't fully harnessing the potential of ascent targets beyond the realm of auto campaigns. Today, we'll unravel the importance of ascent targeting, guide you through the setup process, and share some remarkable results we've achieved. Let's dive right into this intriguing aspect of Amazon PPC!

Understanding the Current Scenario
Before we explore the how-tos and benefits of ascent targeting, let's take a moment to understand the common scenario we encounter when auditing Amazon PPC accounts. Often, sellers have a mix of keywords and ascents within their auto campaigns. While some ascents are performing well, they are frequently left within the auto campaign without further segmentation.

Segmentation Strategy
Our approach differs – we believe in extracting the potential of well-performing ascents. When we come across ascents garnering significant sales, we immediately segment them out of the search term report. This involves adding them to our list and conducting thorough keyword research. We utilize tools like Helium 10 and explore competitor recommendations to identify the best ascent targets based on factors such as reviews, pricing, and conversion rates.

KickstartPPC Advanced Amazon PPC: Get cheaper clicks with ASIN targeting - What most Amazon sellers overlook by Brandyn

Campaign Structure
Once we've identified promising ascent targets, our next step is campaign setup. We prefer to keep it organized, typically setting up one campaign for 30 targets or less. This allows for better management and focused optimization. As we monitor the performance, successful campaigns are further segmented into single keyword or single ascent campaigns for more precise control.

Real Results Speak Louder
Let's take a look at a recent success story – a single ascent campaign that ran last month. With a 32% ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sales), a CPC (Cost Per Click) of 82 cents, and a staggering $1,000 in sales, the impact of ascent targeting is evident. By strategically choosing ascents based on pricing, reviews, and related factors, we were able to optimize the conversion rate and achieve remarkable results.

KicktartPPC Advanced Amazon PPC: Get cheaper clicks with ASIN targeting - What most Amazon sellers overlook- Audit

Maximizing Sales and Cost Efficiency
The key takeaway here is that ascent targeting isn't just about boosting sales; it's also about achieving cost efficiency. In some instances, targeting ascents can yield lower CPC compared to high-performing keywords. By tapping into ascents, you can leverage the sales efforts of others targeting similar keywords, potentially resulting in a more cost-effective strategy.

Conclusion and Call to Action
In conclusion, ascent targeting is a powerful strategy that shouldn't be underestimated. If you haven't explored this avenue yet, you might be missing out on valuable sales opportunities and cost savings. We hope this guide has shed light on the importance of ascent targeting and its potential impact on your Amazon PPC campaigns.

Partnering with a Hands-On Amazon PPC Team Agency: If you require assistance with your PPC campaigns, we are a hands-on Amazon PPC Small Team agency dedicated to both automation and manual optimization. We understand the importance of tailoring strategies to meet individual client needs. We are a team of Nomdaz PPC Experts dedicated to Amazon PPC. Our goal is to provide you with valuable information and actionable insights that you can apply to your own campaigns. Amazon educators, Amazon ads Educators helping Amazon Sellers With Their PPC. If you need Amazon PPC help or Scale Insights Help contact us.

KickstartPPC Advanced Amazon PPC: Get cheaper clicks with ASIN targeting - What most Amazon sellers overlook

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